God With Us

“Where God is exalted, believers encouraged and the world reached with the good news of Jesus.”

We're all about introducing people to Jesus...

Emmanuel Church Windhoek is a local church that expands the Kingdom of God through proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We are a Bible-based and Spirit-led church.  We exist for three fundamental reasons:  To EXALT God, to EDIFY the Church and to EVANGELISE the world.


Ladies, young and old, are invited to join us on this one-day adventure as we dive into what it means to be a woman of noble character!

Date: 11 - 12 October


E-Week (Evangelism Week): a time for the Church to GO into the city and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ on various outreaches. JOIN US IN PRAYER FOR THE UPCOMING E-WEEK!

Faith Promise

A Faith Promise is a commitment we make by faith to God to give a certain amount over 12 months, specifically earmarked for missions. We commit to give according to the measure of His blessing and grace and what we decide in our hearts to trust God for. 

'A Surrendered Life' by Ron Gardiner

“The Surrendered Life” is a compilation of sermons preached by Ron Gardiner. They bring to light a truth Ron both believed and put into practice: that Jesus called us to deny ourselves, take up His cross and follow Him.

Building Project

As a local church that is fully bought into God’s vision, Emmanuel Church is on the brink of an
exciting new chapter.  Join us on this journey!

'A Spirit Filled Life'

Throughout his years of service to the body of Christ, one message has stood at the pinnacle of Ron Gardiner's ministry -
 the Holy Spirit has come for all believers.   'A Spirit Filled Life' is a collection of Ron's sermons and teachings that provide a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit. 

for young believers...

New to the faith or our church?  You may be wondering "What's next?"
We are here to help you take the next step in your journey of faith and
hopefully help you on your way to maturity in Jesus Christ.

ministry to the whole family...

One of our core values at Emmanuel Church is that of family - while this means
that we are passionate about the health and welfare of the family unit as a whole,
it is also our sincere desire that every family member will feel that they belong.

Meeting Times

Worship Meetings:  Sundays at 09:00  & 18:00
Prayer Meetings:  Mondays from 17:30 - 18:30
E-Teens:  Fridays from 18:00 to 19:00
Young Adults:  Fridays form 18:00 to 20:30

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